Educational Support Programme


Education entails acquiring knowledge to have a greater understanding of the various disciplines that will be used in our everyday lives. ‘Education’ refers to the information we gain and experience outside of books or classrooms, as well as the knowledge that we receive and experience in schools, our homes, and as members of society. Our ideas about life alter as a result of learning, education is crucial for personal development and growth in society.

Providing educational support for children

Getting an education is a fundamental human right. It is pivotal to increasing employment and income opportunities. It is foundational to breaking the cycle of poverty. Education is the key to unlocking the golden door of freedom for all.  It is the bedrock of social and economic development.  It yields tremendous benefits at many levels. It benefits the individual, family, community, and ultimately, the nation.

Education is a sustainable means to alleviate poverty and bring lasting change. Consequently, to effect permanent change, any effort to bring positive and lasting change must include education.

Providing quality education to children reflects the fact that every child is entitled to fundamental human rights and should be treated with dignity. Where children lack access to education, this results in poverty, violence, abuse, exploitation, and other undesirable results. Poverty and its related challenges contribute to high dropout rates. 

Therefore, one of the key goals of GSKI USA is to create educational opportunities.


Unfortunately, gaining a proper education is challenging for impoverished or underprivileged families in the world. The quality of education that children receive is affected to a large degree by the surrounding environment.


GSKI USA works to transform the surrounding environment so that it provides access to essential learning materials – books and school supplies. It works to create consistent financial support so that children can depend on being able to go to school, and finish their education.


By providing educational opportunities GSKI USA works against efforts to indoctrinate children and youth into violent and destructive paths.


Education is their best weapon against impoverishment, disease, early marriage, gang activities, and prostitution. Educated children stand a better chance for constructive outcomes and positive life paths.




Sponsorships make it possible for bright young minds to stay in school. These funds help cover costs for tuition, books, school supplies, uniforms, and other school-related items.  By providing a sponsorship to a needystudent, we open the possibility that the youth will be able to complete their education. Sponsorships open pathways that allow youth to imagine a future that can come from educational attainment. When a student receives a sponsorship to attend school, s/he is less likely to drop out of school. When a student is offered consistent support, s/he has the confidence to thrive intellectually.

GSKI USA sponsorship efforts support the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Goal of ensuring that children will complete primary schooling.

Taking Action

A key educational metric in every society is the school dropout rate. The GSKI USA approach targets the root causes to help children stay in school   and finish their education.
Based on our research and observations, the principal areas that GKSI USA strategically targets are:

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